About the Wiser Dining category

This category is for Wiser Dining implementers to share their experiences and for others to learn about the program. Feel free to ask questions, add pictures, and share anything else you’d like with other implementers.

San Francisco Wiser Dining is currently implementing changes and providing support at 10 sites, including Centro Latino de San Francisco. At Centro Latino, we are facilitating the coordination and implementation of a community walking group. With the assistance of our SF State intern, we conducted a visit during peak foot traffic, particularly during lunchtime, engaging with seniors dining in to gather feedback on their interest in a walking group and their preferred schedule. Based on their input, we determined that the walking group would convene on Fridays after lunch, from 12:45 to 2:00 P.M. We initiated promotion two weeks prior to the inaugural walk with the support of Centro Latino staff.

During our first walk, we had a turnout of 7 participants who collectively completed a 1-mile walk at a leisurely pace, finishing in 35 minutes. Subsequently, on our second walk, we had 4 participants covering a 2.5-mile route, which included a steep hill, lasting for approximately an hour. Thus far, the walking group has been met with success, and our aim is for it to evolve into a self-sustaining initiative that motivates participants to continue independently.

We recently had a meeting with Fork Farms who make indoor hydroponic growing systems called Flex Farms. They produce 250 lbs of food a month and are about the size of a standard refrigerator! We are hoping to get approval to install one at one of our Wiser Dining sites that has no option for outdoor gardening. The Flex Farms are already being used by CFHL implementers at schools across the state. Definitely a very cool idea for sites with no outdoor space.