About the Smarter Mealtime Movement category

Smarter Mealtime Movement is an adaptation of the Smarter Lunchrooms Movement for the childcare setting. Smarter Mealtime Movement is designed with ECE in mind, and it includes large childcare centers, Head Start programs, and family childcare settings. Smarter Mealtimes is user-friendly and comprises research-based strategies to assess children’s meal environments.

Use this category to continue the discussion regarding Smarter Mealtime Movement and share any success stories or positive outcomes from Smarter Mealtime Movement implementation in childcare settings. Some questions to consider include:

  1. How can other childcare centers or family childcare settings get started with implementing the Smarter Mealtime Movement?

  2. How do you involve parents and caregivers in the Smarter Mealtime Movement to ensure consistency in healthy eating habits at home and in childcare settings?