Pantry to Plate

:loudspeaker: Calling all fellow foodies :loudspeaker:

:camera: Post your meal pictures here and let’s inspire each other’s taste buds. Don’t keep those mouthwatering creations to yourself - share the love and the flavors!:drooling_face:

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Here’s my late summer peach crumble. I lived in Georgia for many years and am happy to report that the peaches in California are just as good as the ones in Georgia!


This is the Chilled Honeydew Quencher from It was so good! (And yes that’s my photo on the website). :raising_hand_man:


I had leftover cooked halibut, wilted baby bell peppers, and a sad ear of corn (that my son caught on a fishing trip!). So I made fish and corn chowder!


Pad thai is one of my favorite dishes! As a mom of five, I’m determined to make sure my fam can enjoy tasty, fresh global foods and not break the bank with takeout. In this variation, I added lots of bean sprouts and lime juice for texture and flavor, and used eggs and shrimp for protein.


I like making pad thai too! I add egg and tofu and chopped peanuts for protein. Looks like you used peanuts also!


Did someone say Fire Cider? Love this delicious elixir, and so does my immune system. Here are two recipes that I like to combine The BEST Fire Cider Recipe and How to Make Fire Cider

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So excited Butternut Squash season has arrived! One of my absolute favs, Curried Butternut Squash soup from


My mom’s goat curry. I added the brown rice and whole pan fried okra pods.

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I visited my local Farmers Market and purchased some fresh produce to cook at home. I also incorporated some spices from our very own Wiser Dining Spice kit. Want to learn more about our Wiser Dining Program? Comment bellow and learn how to incorporate it to your community. :carrot:


I love watching the Great British Baking Show and knew I had to try my hand at a dauphinoise potato tart after seeing the incredible bakers make them during this season’s pastry week. Of course, I did call in a good friend who is an avid baker to handle the rough puff. Together, I think we made something pretty magical, and bonus that it was absolutely delicious!


This sauteed salad is made with swiss chard, tomatoes, and summer squash, topped simply with olive oil and salt and pepper. I made this at our local farmers market to highlight how to combine all of the great produce being sold on that day!


Looks like summer!! :sunglasses:

If you’re from the south, you know kale and collars goes with ham hock and vinegar but here’s a great twist on the southern comfort dish. This was a recipe that was completed by Chef Sheri Castle and taught at a training for Cooperative Extension Agents. You can find the recipe here:

Don’t let the raisin fool you. This is a go to recipe for me now, especially since it can be done quickly in an instant pot.


BEAUTIFUL, thanks for sharing!!

This looks delicious! Thank you for sharing.

I love the idea of a sauteed salad! This looks so delicious.

This would be a fun recipe to share with community partners during the hot summer months!

This looks amazing! Thanks for sharing. :slight_smile:

I love that show too! Looks super yummy!