It's time to celebrate National Farmers Market Week!

The week of August 6-12 is an annual celebration highlighting farmers markets vital role in our nation’s food system. Not only do they provide fresh and nutritious food, but they also create opportunities for intergenerational connections and community building.

Let’s spread the joy of Farmers Market Week with our PLC community! Share how you plan to celebrate this year and past year’s festivities. Remember to brighten our day with photos too! :sunglasses: :camera_flash:


This year for National Farmer’s Market Week, the CAPK Calfresh Healthy Living Team in Kern County hosted a large celebration and resource fair. We had 20 community partners participate and saw almost 500 attendees! Our partners were able to provide free resources, food boxes, health screenings, and fun activities for the whole family. It was an amazing event and something we plan to host every year :slightly_smiling_face:

I have included several photos from the event.


I visited my local Farmers Market and purchased some fresh produce to cook at home. I also incorporated some spices from our very own Wiser Dining Spice kit. Here are some images of today’s EcoChallenge.

This is great!! Looks like a successful Farmer’s Market :smiley:


Hey! I didn’t even know we had a National Farmers Market Week! We will use that this year! Thanks!

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Yes, @amorga21! Here’s some additional info :wink:

Those veggies look beautiful look at all the PHYTOCHEMICALS

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