FSWR: Personal Reflection Activity

  1. What is one way that you currently reduce food waste in your home?
    -In my household we usually peel our cucumbers, but now we eat them with the skin. Helps us get more nutrition and reduces waste.

  2. What is one thing you’d like to try at home from the curriculum?
    -I would like to try to start my own compost pile in my backyard. I have a garden at home, so it would also help my plants grow.

  1. I feed Scraps to the chickens as long as they can eat it, and the rest goes in the compost bin.
  2. Vegetable broth sounds fun.
  1. I feed food scraps to my chickens. I also freeze veggie scraps and make a broth when I have enough.
  2. I would like to learn to compost and regrow celery/romaine and green onions.
  1. One way I currently reduce food waste is by using my vegetable food scraps to make veggie broth. I season the broth to my liking and I usually am able to make 1 liter of broth based on the amount of vegetables I use on a daily basis.
  2. One thing that I would like to try is to use broccoli stems for a salad. I really like broccoli and never thought of using the stems in a salad so I am really excited to try that.
  1. Writing out my meals for the weak will allow me to prevent food waste by only purchasing the food I need.
  2. One thing I would like to try at home from the curriculum is to make my own vegetable stalk with my left-over veggies as well as make a compost bin.
  1. I meal prep for the week and only purchase the products I’ll be using for my meals. I freeze fruits before they go buy and use them in smoothies later on. Also, if I have leftovers of something I will try to make another dish with them.
  2. I do the fridge placement well, but there’s one area where I didn’t know the placement so I’ll be changing that. I want to be better at composting and teach others about it too.
  1. I try to include ingredients that I already have when meal planning and prioritize using my fresh fruits and veggies before they go bad.
  2. I would like to make veggie stock and reorganize my fridge to keeps foods fresher for longer!
  1. Making a menu for the week and shopping for only the items we planned for the weeks menu helps reduce a lot of waste. I also make stock with not only vegetable scraps but, with bones and parts of meat dishes that no one eats. In addition we compost.
  2. The broccoli stem salad looks great, I cannot wait to try it.

Hello! 1.) We currently have two compost areas. One in a tumbler in which we only put certified organic scraps; scraps from food we have grown or our CSA. This way we can use the compost to mix with soil in our vegetable & fruit gardens. The second is a large bin for all other compostable food scraps, yard waste, etc. That compost is for flower pots and other uses. Oh, and our dog loves veggies and saves us some trips out to the compost areas!
2.) I plan to keep a infographic on the fridge for ideal food storage as well as labeling shelves in one pantry cabinet and another separate pantry closet. Since we live in New England, our growing season and CSA season is limited. I want to ensure we extend the life of produce in the best possible way when storing… and we plan to expand our canning, too.

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Ways that I started to reduce food waste in my home, is by no longer purchasing paper plates, plastic cups, plastic forks and spoons.

A curriculum I’d like to follow is meal prep, this way I only buy what is necessary and it will also be budget friendly.

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One way I currently reduce food waste in my home is by planning my meals ahead of time and using leftovers creatively to make new dishes.

One thing I’d like to try at home from the curriculum is incorporating more “use-it-up” recipes that help me repurpose ingredients before they go bad, like making soups or stir-fries with leftover veggies.

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  1. I plan out meals, attempting to use some of the same ingredients across recipes to reduce waste and expense.
  2. I will start saving my vegetable scraps for broth.

To reduce food waste my husband and I compost to create soil for our garden. We also keep veggie parts that we don’t eat to make broth.
Not food waste really but waste in general. Someone shared about reusing bread bags and other bags to pick up dog waste on walks and I think that is brilliant! I can’t believe it never occurred to me before